Tuesday, 19 June 2012

University Matriculation Exams At 1am?! Yes. In UNN

Now folks, here's a screamer. In the recently held university matriculation exams in University of Nigeria, students were subjected to inhuman treatment by the examiners or do I say school authorities. An exam scheduled to hold between 8am-10am on June 18 took place in the wee hours of June 19!

Incredible isn't it? It's no news that our educational system is in shambles, but this is just too much. What did they expect the kids to write at that hour? Just how could they even carry on with the exam if their so called logistics problem persisted? Whew!

Dear citizens,  accept my condolences. What can we do but make the most of what we have or do not have in this case. Just like the poor students who sat down to write an examination at 1am in the morning. I sincerely wish them the best in that examination. Perhaps the school authorities will now have to offer them admission given the deplorable state in which the exam was written. All hail Nigeria!

God Save Us From Boko Haram: Says Presidency

GEJ's latest blunder is truly amazing. According to allafrica.com, When called upon to give his remarks on the Kaduna bombing, the President said that he was quite sad and didn't want to say anything, however since he was called upon to, said he had consolation in God who had the power to heal the nation and then went ahead to ask Nigerians to pray for the nation.

How helpless are we now in the face of the boko haram saga if our infamous president is relying on God's intervention to solve this pressing problem. The outrage I feel I cannot put to words. GEJ actually and shamelessly announced on national TV that God Almighty will save us from Boko Haram. What the hell then is the presidency for? I ask. Yes, I said it, feel free to vent here readers. So I can mayhap, get new words to qualify the redundancy of our presidency.

Now, my Igbo brothers aren't helping matters. A mosque for a church every Friday I suggest as numerous concerned citizens have advised, but then, now that the igbos have adopted a 'Peaceful One Nigeria' policy, we have to wait on God while we bury loved ones every other day. Right?